Bangladesh Krishi Bank Credit Program

The agricultural sector contributes significantly in respect to attaining marginal food sufficient creating employment opportunities, improving the standard of living, and finally reducing poverty.

What is Bangladesh Krishi Bank Credit Program?

Agriculture is one of the prime sectors of Bangladesh’s economy that has to provide society with sufficient amount and quality of food and fiber productions, avoiding harmful environmental effects on land, soil air, and water livestock. Agriculture is crop and animal husbandry for producing foodstuff, raw materials, and services for society.

Sectors of Agriculture

  • Crop
  • Fisheries
  • Poverty alleviation
  • Grain storage
  • Livestock
  • Agriculture equipment
  • Marketing agriculture goods

Bangladesh Krishi Bank is the only bank that is playing a special role in the agriculture sector. Farmers have certain credit products that work for crop production and crop manpower development. The credit products are given below:

Bangladesh Krishi Bank Crop Loan

Out of the total annual allocation of Bangladesh Bank’s loan portfolio, 60% is earmarked for crop financing and loans are disbursed as per norms set by Bangladesh Bank. The interest rate on this program may vary from time to time.

Key Features:

  • The interest rate for this sector is 9%.
  • Both landlords and sharecroppers are usually the target groups for these loans.
  • Marginal farmers are also eligible for loans
  • Crop loan is sanctioned on an annual basis
  • Credit passbook is issued to each borrower.

Bangladesh Krishi Bank Fisheries Loan

To boost fish production, Bangladesh Krishi Bank provides loans for excavation and re-excavation of ponds, development of wetlands, the establishment of fish hatcheries, and new fisheries projects. Fisheries loans are provided in the following sub-sectors:

Key Features:

  • White Fish culture
  • Shrimp culture
  • Fish & Shrimp hatchery.
White Fish· Fish culture in existing pond/tank
· Fish culture by re-excavation of old/derelict tank/tank
· Fish culture by the excavation of new tank/tank
Shrimp culture· Shrimp culture in the traditional system (Bagda or Tiger Shrimp)
· Shrimp culture in the scientific system
· Shrimp culture in semi-intensive method
· Prawn culture in sweet water (Galda)
Fish & Shrimp hatchery· Fingerlings production in sweet water
· Shrimp fingerlings production (fingerlings of commercially profitable technology).

Bangladesh Krishi Bank Livestock & Continuous Loan

The livestock sector has been playing an important role in the development of agriculture. Bangladesh Krishi Bank provides loans for dairy farms (milk cows), fattening of goats and cows, and other animals. It is basically a medium-term loan and is always available.

What is Beef Fattening Program?

  • With the aim of creating self-employment for the poor and unemployed, Bangladesh Krishi Bank has launched a program called “Cow fattening”.

Key feature:

  • Purely supervised credit
  • The bank officials giving guarantees are responsible for the recovery of the loan
  • Each borrower will get a maximum Tk. 25,000/-for 5 calves (each Tk. 5,000/-)
  • Loan is collateral-free
  • Repayable within one year.

What are the objectives of the credit program?

  • To create self-employment opportunities for poor and unemployed people
  • Meet the national deficit of animal protein
  • Lead to positive change in the attitude of the people through training
  • Ensure participation of bank officials in the program and increase their sense of duty and consciousness.

Continuous Loan

  • The loan is the continuous product and different types of activities such as cash credit/working capital loans on a short-term basis
  • Continuous loan is given for processing, preservation, and marketing of agricultural products.

Farm and Irrigation Equipment Loan

Farm and irrigation equipment loans to modernize agriculture and grow better crops:

  • Processing Industries
  • Food Processing Industries
  • Poultry farm and
  • Dairy farm.

What is Dairy Farm?

  • Milk production
  • Milk collection, milk processing (ghee, butter, pasteurized milk, etc. production), and marketing.

What are Export and Import Agro Equipment & Farm Machinery?

  • Export Fish processing, Freezing, Leather process
  • Import Leather and Leather Goods, Fish net/net thread, Organic fertilizer, mixed fertilizer and Bio-pesticide.

What is Poverty Alleviation & Micro Credit Programs?

BKB has been implementing a series of Micro-Credit programs considering the needs of the target groups. These diversified micro-credit programs are being implemented by BKB to achieve the following objectives:

  • To create employment opportunities through income-generating activities
  • To empower rural women to establish their own rights
  • To improve the living standard of the rural people
  • To alleviate the poverty of the poor people
  • To make easy access to institutional credit facilities and resources
  • To mobilize rural savings
  • To make optimum utilization of rural resources
  • To engage inactive human resources of the rural areas in productive/economic activities
  • To engage rural people in development process of the country
  • To eliminate exploitation done by the money lenders.

What is the contact address of Bangladesh Krishi Bank?

Head Office
Bangladesh Krishi Bank
Krishi Bank Bhaban
83-85 Motijheel Commercial Area
Dhaka – 1000


Hotline Number: (+88 02) 956 0021


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