BRAC’s Microfinance Loan programs in Bangladesh

BRAC’s Microfinance Loan programs in Bangladesh, designed to empower entrepreneurs and small businesses through financial support and economic opportunities. Learn how microloans make a difference in Bangladesh’s business landscape.

Progoti loans are designed to help small businesses grow

Progoti loans are available to both male and female entrepreneurs who need to invest in their existing businesses. These loans are flexible and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as expanding operations, hiring new employees, or purchasing new equipment.

Progoti loans help to generate employment and drive local economies. They also support inclusive growth by making it easier for small businesses to succeed.

Dabi Loan: Empowering Women through Financial Inclusion

Dabi loans are a type of microfinance loan that are specifically designed to help low-income women. Since the very beginning, the primary focus of Dabi loans has been to equip women with access to financial services to increase their opportunities for economic empowerment.

Dabi loans can be used for a variety of purposes, including buying productive assets, investing in business or property, smoothing consumption, and managing shocks. By providing women with access to financial resources, Dabi loans help them to improve their livelihoods and contribute to their communities.

Dabi loans have also been shown to have a positive impact on women’s empowerment. Studies have found that Dabi loans can help women to increase their decision-making power within their households and communities. They can also help women to become more independent and less reliant on traditional sources of support.

Overall, Dabi loans are a valuable tool for empowering low-income women and helping them to achieve their economic goals.

Read: BURO Bangladesh Microfinance Loan

BRAC’s Loans for Migrant Households: Supporting Economic Empowerment and Family Well-being

Remittances from migrant workers play a vital role in Bangladesh’s national economy. BRAC’s loans for migrant households help to secure the settlement of migrant workers abroad, while safeguarding the family at home. These loans also enable households to benefit faster from the potential rise in income.

BRAC offers two types of loans for migrant households:

  • Migration loans: These loans are for workers seeking employment abroad. They are complemented with services from BRAC’s migration program, such as pre-migration orientation and post-migration reintegration.
  • Remittance loans: These loans offer flexibility to migrant households to make large expenditures while they wait to receive and save remittances sent from abroad.

Nirbhorota Rin: Empowering Low and Moderate-Wage Earners

Nirbhorota Rin, which means “dependability” in Bangla, is a loan product specifically designed for low and moderate-wage earners in Bangladesh who often face difficulty obtaining finance from mainstream banks or do not fit the traditional microfinance borrower profile.

Nirbhorota Rin offers borrowers greater flexibility and convenience, as it does not require any collateral or previous credit history. This makes it a valuable option for borrowers who may have been excluded from traditional financial services in the past.

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