IDLC’s Project Financing


Embarking on a new business project or expanding existing operations requires substantial financial support. IDLC’s Project Financing is an extended-term loan tailored to facilitate various ventures, including business integration, diversification, capacity expansion, project modernization, and technology adoption.

IDLC’s Project Financing Key Features

  • Stretched Loan Tenure:
    • Aligned with cash flows to ensure a flexible repayment schedule.
  • Moratorium Period:
    • Tailored based on the project implementation timeline for optimal financial planning.
  • Financing Amount:
    • Aligned with the standard debt-equity structure for a balanced financial arrangement.
  • Bundle Product Offerings:
    • Comprehensive solutions bundling various products to fulfill the entire financial requirement, providing a seamless and efficient single-window solution.

Application Process:

To kickstart the journey towards realizing your business dreams, submit the following hardcopy documents to IDLC for initial assessment:

  1. Business/Project Profile
  2. Signed CIB Undertaking Form
  3. Updated Trade License
  4. TIN & Updated Tax Return Certificate
  5. NID of all Directors/Proprietor/Partners
  6. Memorandum and Articles of Association (If Limited Company)
  7. Form-XII (If Limited Company)
  8. Schedule-X (If Limited Company)
  9. Certificate of Incorporation (If Limited Company)
  10. Other relevant documents if required by IDLC

Contact Information:

For further assistance and information, reach out to dedicated Corporate Division at:

IDLC Finance Limited
Bay’s Galleria (1st Floor), 57 Gulshan Avenue, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
Contact No: 16409, +8809609994352

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