BURO Bangladesh Microfinance Loan


BURO Bangladesh Microfinance Loan Buro Bangladesh was established in 1990 as a non-governmental social development organization working for the poor and rural people to reduce poverty and increase the income of ordinary people. It is known as a National Non-Governmental Social Development Organization. So far, it has provided high-quality flexible financial and social services to … Read more

Bank Asia Subarno Term Loan


In the economy of Bangladesh, women are playing an extraordinary role in supporting entrepreneurs. Bank Asia hope that they will go further through SME Subarno Loan. Key Features of Subarno Term Loan Who will be Eligible? What is Subarno Term Loan Limit? Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Bank Asia Subarno Term Loan Q: What are … Read more

Women Entrepreneur Development Program – ‘Uddokta 101’, a joint initiative of BRAC Bank and BRAC University


‘UDOKTA 101’ invites emerging woman entrepreneurs to attend a unique business skills development program – tailored to build modern and successful entrepreneurs. The ‘UDDOKTA 101’ Let’s you acquire practical knowledge from successful entrepreneurs Connects you to network of innovators, entrepreneurs, and business leaders Helps you to develop in-demand skills from the best trainers in the … Read more

IDLC Finance SME Loan


IDLC Finance SME Loan A safe and comfortable lifestyle requires having a safety plan to deal with unplanned/immediate needs at any time. Usually, we continue living in an unplanned way and if someone thinks about the upcoming problems and saves some money in a planned way, then we don’t rush in times of danger. So, … Read more

CMSME Loan Products of Rupali Bank


What are Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)? Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are businesses that can maintain revenue, assets, or a number of employees below a certain threshold. What constitutes a small and medium-sized enterprise has its own definition. Certain size criteria must be met and sometimes the industry in which the company operates is … Read more