Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited

Dutch Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL) is the first joint venture bank in Bangladesh, founded in 1996 by local shareholders led by M. Sahabuddin Ahmed and the Dutch company FMO. From the outset, DBBL has dedicated itself to providing financial support to the burgeoning manufacturing industries in Bangladesh, recognizing the pivotal role of this sector in driving economic growth through exports.

DBBL is also a pioneer in corporate social responsibility (CSR), referring to its contributions simply as ‘social responsibility.’ Through significant investments in this sector, DBBL has become one of the largest donors and the leading bank contributor in Bangladesh. Its unwavering commitment has earned the bank numerous international accolades, thanks to its distinctive approach as a socially conscious financial institution.

DBBL holds the distinction of being the first fully automated bank in Bangladesh. In 2002, the bank established the Electronic-Banking Division to swiftly introduce modern banking services through automation. By 2003, full automation was achieved, marking the introduction of electronic transactions and plastic money to the masses in Bangladesh. DBBL also operates the nation’s largest fleet of ATMs, significantly reducing consumer costs and fees by 80%. Remarkably, DBBL chose the path of low profitability for this endeavor, pursuing mass automation in banking as part of its CSR activities, with no intention of reaping profits from this sector. As a result, DBBL now offers unparalleled banking technology services to all its customers, and most local banks have chosen to utilize DBBL’s banking infrastructure instead of developing their own.

Despite its substantial technological investments and CSR donations, consumer and investor confidence in DBBL has remained steadfast. In fact, the bank’s stock achieved a record share price on the Dhaka Stock Exchange in 2008, a testament to its enduring success and reputation.

DBBL is a trailblazing bank that has played a significant role in the economic and social development of Bangladesh. Through its innovative banking products and services, its commitment to CSR, and its focus on social responsibility, DBBL has set a high standard for other banks in the country.

Dutch Bangla Bank Upgrades to Flexcube Universal Banking Solution

Dutch Bangla Bank (DBBL), the first joint venture bank in Bangladesh, has been using Oracle’s Flexcube Retail (FCR) and Flexcube Corporate (FCC) Core Banking Solution since 2004. Over the years, DBBL has grown significantly, earning the trust and confidence of the nation’s citizens. Technology has played a pivotal role in establishing this trust, and DBBL’s management, officers, and executives are deeply committed to meeting the expectations of their clients.

In line with this commitment, DBBL decided to upgrade its Core Banking Solution from FCR and FCC to the advanced Flexcube Universal Banking Solution, FCUBS 11.2. Although termed an upgrade, the project was essentially a full-fledged implementation.

A core team of 18 of the bank’s most skilled personnel from various branches and disciplines, supported by an equally capable technical team from the IT division, worked tirelessly for months, day and night, under a well-structured project plan. They meticulously scrutinized and aligned every module and functionality with the bank’s specific requirements. All the products and services offered by the bank were parameterized, configured, and rigorously tested. Processes like the Dummy End of Day (EOD), End of Quarter (EOQ), Half-year-end, and Year-end operations were executed in the User Acceptance Test (UAT) cycle.

Finally, the project went live in August 2012. With this comprehensive upgrade, DBBL has enhanced its ability to serve its esteemed clients, securing a technological edge over other banks in the country.

The upgraded FCUBS boasts several additional features, including:

  • Uninterrupted ATM service: ATMs are now operational around the clock, with no interruptions even during EOD processing.
  • Greater flexibility in defining product parameters: This provides the bank with the agility to design new financial products to meet evolving client needs.

DBBL’s upgrade to FCUBS 11.2 is a testament to the bank’s commitment to innovation and continuous improvement. By investing in the latest banking technology, DBBL is ensuring that it can continue to provide its clients with the best possible service and support.

Dutch Bangla Bank Internet Banking

Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd offers seamless internet banking services, enabling you to conveniently manage your accounts, access statements, pay bills, and conduct various transactions. However, due to local banking regulations, there are certain transaction types that Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd is unable to provide, despite having the capability to do so.

Internet Banking FeaturesDescription
Account SummaryView a list of Current, Savings, Term Deposits, and Loan accounts with their current balances.
Account DetailsAccess detailed information for a specific account, including unclear funds, credit limits, and more.
Account ActivityReview or print transaction activity for a chosen account within a specified time period.
Transfer FundsTransfer funds between the customer’s accounts within the bank.
Third Party Transfer *Transfer funds from one of the customer’s accounts to another customer’s account within the bank.
Pay BillsConveniently pay utility bills (e.g., Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd Credit Card bills, insurance, mobile, tuition fees).
Standing InstructionsSet up, modify, or delete standing instructions for transferring funds between accounts (own or third party).
Open/Modify Term DepositCreate or modify term deposits by transferring funds from current or savings accounts.
Loan RepaymentsMake loan installment payments directly from the Current and Savings Account (CASA).
Statement RequestRequest account statements for specific periods; service is provided manually by the bank.
Cheque Book RequestRequest new cheque books through Internet Banking.
Cheque Status InquiryCheck the status of a specific cheque by selecting the account and entering the cheque number.
Stop Payment ChequeMark a cheque as “stop payment” when necessary.
Interest Rate InquiryInquire about interest rates on CASA and Term Deposit products.
Foreign Exchange Rate InquiryCheck foreign exchange (FX) rates using this feature.
Change PasswordChange the Internet Banking password for enhanced security.
Not allowed by Bangladesh Bank regulations and rules*Third-party transfers are restricted in accordance with Bangladesh Bank regulations.
Additional Internet Banking Features for Corporate Banking
Letter of CreditInitiate Letters of Credit (LC) applications through Internet Banking for international trade transactions.
Bank GuaranteeInitiate Bank Guarantee requests using Internet Banking to secure financial guarantees.
Limits QueryAccess information about loan limits and their utilization through Internet Banking for corporate customers.

Internet Banking security

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